An international meeting devoted to all aspects of Carboniferous-Permian geology with special emphasis on the Carboniferous-Permian transition was held between May 20-22, 2013 in the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. This meeting was organized with great success by Spencer G. Lucas. We appreciate for his great efforts for this meeting. More than 50 participants attended the meeting. Three fieldtrips were arranged to observe the Carboniferous-Permian sequenecs and fossils at Carrio Arroyo, the Kinney Brick quarry and east of Socorro in New Mexico.
On the evening of May 21, 2013, an SCS and SPS joint bussiness meeting was held. Both SCS chair Barry Richards and SPS Chair Shuzhong Shen chaired the bussiness meeting. About twenty participants attended the bussiness meeting. A lots of issues including the recent progress and problems about the Carboniferous and Permian GSSPs, correlation, future publications etc. were discussed.
Fieldtrip at Carrizo Arroyo. Spencer Locas and Joreg Schneider gave the lecture.
Participants collecting bivalve, plant and fish fossils at Kinney Brick Quarry